Student Gallery 1934 -1953

(picture courtesy of: ..AC = Andrew Cleare, AW = Anthony Watson, CQ = Colin Quigley (son of Felice), DB = David Bragg, DBa = Donard Baird (via Ralph Gee), GD = Geoff Divers, JS = John Spiers, JW = Jim Williams, LM = Lawrence Mills (via John Spiers), LMc = Liz McConachie (daughter of Paul & Betty Pollak), PF = Peter Farrell, PS = Peter Snaith, PRS = Peter R Still, PW= Paul Willer, RG = Ralph Gee, RS = Reg Slade, TW = Terry Wilson). If anyone has pictures that they would like to share please let me know - contact: (please copy). Click on link to see full size picture. * Reduced from a much higher resolution scan - if anyone would like the original (much larger) version I can send as an e-mail attachment, please contact:

Early days at Red Hill - Spring 1935 Chislehurst (Humphrey Swingler? & Tony Watson) AW

1937 (incl Robin Stevens & Tony Watson) AW

1937 group (Robin Stevens, Leonard Bloom, David Baden-Powell & Tony Watson) AW

1940 Hans Paul Willer - 2 years before RHS TW

1940 The Willer Family before RHS TW

1941 Hans Paul Willer PW

1945 group (incl George Westby, David Wyse, Clifford Ling, Jim Williams, Colin Spencer-Smith) JW

Jim Williams (1945) JW

Angela Schroeder (1945/6) JW

1946 - Gordon Mountford, David Shoesmith, Peter Snaith PS

November 1946 (incl June Frowd, Peter Snaith, Tony Cook, Keith Holland, Michael Shinkfield)JW

June Frowd (1947) JW

Ralph Grigglestone and Peter Farrell (1947) PF *

Summer 1947 - Keith Wright, Reg Slade & Billy (the goat) RS

Pamela Adam with Marion Farrell (late summer 1947) PF

Edwin Westwick (1947 or 1948) RS

April 1948 - Douglas Galvin, Derek Sampson, Morley Gayton, John Patterson, Dick Clark, Paul Pollak, Tony Cook, Bill Dunkerley, Geoffrey Divers, Michael Hammond, Hugh Johnson, Thomas Warwick LMc *

1948 (first half) - Reg Slade, Charlie Shea, Brian Smith, Gwynneth Williams, Karl Ogdon RS

1948 (first half) - Reg Slade, Charlie Shea RS

1948 (first half) - Brian Smith RS

summer 1948 - Dick Clark, John Patterson, Peter Scott, David Wyse, Colin Webb, Hugh Johnson, Brian Pridmore, Derek Sampson?, Brian Abley, Phil Coutanche, Crispian Andrews LMc *

circa 1948 - Dick Clark RS

1948 - Peter Scott, Geoff Divers RS

Reg Slade 1948 PF *

1948 lower field - Phil Coutanche, Malcolm Leggett, Allan Dandridge, David Bragg or Leslie Strevens, possibly Brian Abley RS

1949 Keith Castle RS

1949 Reg Slade RS

1949 Reg Slade & Dick Clark RS *

Felice Burde late 1940s CQ

Thomas Powell-Davies (PD), Brian Pridmore, Geoff Divers, Dick Clark, Michael Dixey, Keith Castle, Michael Hammond (June/July 1949) GD *

Michael Taylor, Gerald Whipps, Brian Reeves, Brian Abley, John Hiorns (1949) PF *

Summer 1949 - Colin Webb, Michael Taylor, Brian Reeves, maybe John Hiorns, Ron Reeves, Brian Foster, Gerald Whipps LMc *

1949/1950 - Jimmy Caldwell RS

1949/1950 - Pat Andrew & Stan Levitt AW

Peter Farrell (son of MOF) circa 1950 PF

June 1951 - Dennis Ward, David Bragg, Brian Abley LMc

1952 football match Red Hill style (incl Keith Groves, Brian Reeves, Paul Pollak) RG

1952 group (David Hughes, Gerald Whipps, Colin Hart, John Southouse, Andrew Cleare, Duncan Jacobs, Peter Baxendale, Peter Farrell, Kevin Shaw, Carol Shaw etc) PF

Summer 1952 Malcolm Leggett with his model airplane LM *

September 1953 group at Camber Sands (incl. Morley Gayton & Thomas Powell-Davies) RG

David Bragg on the set of King John and the Abbot of Canterbury (1953) DB *

David Bragg working on his Kontiki wood carving (1953) JS & PRS

Andrew Cleare on the set of King John and the Abbot of Canterbury (1953) AC *

Ralph Gee & Alan Garnett (1953) RG

August 1953 - long jump preparations prior to sports day. Includes Morley Gayton, Kevin Shaw, Allan Dandridge, Alan Hobbs, Alan Garnett, David Holliday, David Moseley, David Crane, Keith Groves, Malcolm Leggett, John Spiers, Roy Clark, Ralph Gee, Michael Hamlin, Donard Baird, Harold Jacobs, Peter Baxendale, David Bragg & Joe Dellicott. Photo taken by Otto Shaw DBa

November 1953 puppet play "The Betrayal of Lucifer" cast members Roy Clark, David Bragg, Tony Chapman, Alan Hobbs, Keith Groves, John Spiers, Chris Evans, Donard Baird DBa

