The Staff

(picture courtesy of: .. AR = Allan Rimmer, AW = Allan Williams, CD = Chris Davies, CF = Craig Fees (PETT archive), CS = Chris Sheary, DM = David Moth, GR = Gary Rogers, IJ = Ian Joseph, JH = Justin Hemsley. JW = Jim Williams, KN = Ken Newman, KP = Katharina Plottke (Grand-Niece of Paul Plottke), LM = Liz McConachie (daughter of Paul & Betty Pollak), MPD = Martin Powell-Davies (son of Eileen & Thomas), MS = Michael Smith (now Michael Irving), MW = Michael Warren, NH = Nick Hendley, PF = Peter Farrell, PJ = Paul Jackson, PR = Phil Ross, PS = Peter Staples, PRS = Peter Still, RC = Rob Cester, RG = Ralph Gee, RS = Reg Slade, RW = Ron Walker, RWe = Richard Webb, TH = Tony Hillman, TW = Terry Wilson). If anyone has pictures that they would like to share please let me know. Some staff members are present in student pictures (see Student Galleries). Click on link to see full size picture. * reduced from a much higher resolution scan - if anyone would like the original (much larger) version I can send as an e-mail attachment, please contact: (please copy).

Lily & Ivor Holland (late 1930s) PF

Ted Brown's wedding to Lucy Bates on 27th June 1936 (not at RHS) PRS

Marion Farrell, Mr. Brady, Ivor Holland, Mr. Hodgkinson (late 1939/early 1940) PF *

Morris Horovitch (1940) PF (photo not taken at RHS)

Ivor Holland (mid-1940s) PF *

George & Elspeth Westby circa 1945 RS (photo not taken at RHS)

Roberta (Betty) Gibb & Paul Pollak (1945) LM *

Marion Farrell (1946) JW

George & Elspeth Westby with son Max (1947) PF

Phyllis Oliver age 21 (April 1947) MW (photo not taken at RHS)

Paul & Betty Pollak (late 1940s) PF *

Paul Plottke (1949) KP (photo not taken at RHS)

Mrs Howard in the kitchen (circa 1949) RS

Paul Pollak, Marion Farrell, Audrey Lane, Phyllis Oliver, Morley Gayton, Thomas Powell-Davies, Tim Harris (1949) PF *

Pauline Hart & Elaine Hart (1949/1950) RS *

Ray Exton (1953) RG

Colin Hart (1953) RG

Otto Shaw with mural circa 1954 CF

Digital reconstructed mural by Ralph Gee (compare to above) RG

Audrey Davies with fiancé Eric Sainsbury, Ivor Holland (1955) PS *

Eileen Snellgrove, Thomas Dillwyn Powell-Davies (1956) MPD

Otto Shaw (1959) TH *

Colin Hart (circa 1960) PF *

Otto Shaw (early 1960s) PF *

Mrs Kolber (1961) CD

Otto Shaw (1961) CD

circa 1961 - probably Caroline Holland on the path to the Artroom CD

Ray Exton (1961) MS

Spring 1962 - Eileen Powell-Davies, Phyllis Mills, Marion Farrell PF *

Allan Rimmer [with David Dennis] (3rd July 1962) AR *

Caroline Holland (Autumn 1962) KN *

Phyllis & Lawrence Mills (Summer 1963) KN *

Otto Shaw (circa 1964) TW *

Ray Exton (1964) MW *

Otto Shaw (1964)

Phyllis Mills (mid-1960s) RW

Otto Shaw in 1965 KN *

Jasper Ungoed-Thomas circa 1965 PRS

Phyllis Mills (1966) PF *

Ray Exton (1967) TW

Larry Jane & Ray Exton (early 1970s) PR & AW

Ray Exton, Lawrence Mills & Marie- Clare Saudan (early 1970s) - entire photo PR

Ray Exton, Lawrence Mills & Marie- Clare Saudan (early 1970s) - zoom PR

Lawrence Mills circa 1972 PJ

Douglas Carl Bredbere circa 1972 PJ

Morley Gayton circa 1972 PJ

Phyllis Mills (Summer 1973) CS

November 1973 - Ray Exton & Allan Williams TW

November 1973 - Ray Exton TW

November 1973 - Ray Exton, Terry Wilson & 'Ming' TW

Ray Exton & John Evans circa 1974 PR

Ray Exton preparing for his retirement (late October 1984) RC *

Nick Daws circa 1985 RWe & GR *

Mark Simons (1985) RC *

Neville Francis 1986 JH

Daphne Styles 1988 IJ

Sheila Simons 1988 IJ

John Buckley & Cyril Winch (1989) NH

Peter Stroud (March 1992) DM

