Allan Rimmer (1938-2007)

These pages are dedicated to a very special person. When Allan became headmaster of Red Hill School in 1977 he took over where the school's founder Otto Shaw had left off. He dedicated most of his adult life to the school. In 1993 after Red Hill had been closed for a year the premises were taken over as a day school by Kent County Council, taking students who would have been at home in the old Red Hill School - except that nearly half of the new intake were girls. Allan stayed on acting as unofficial adviser to the new Head Teacher, Bob Law. This school was closed in 2003. He was also clerk to The Red Hill Trust and secretary to AWCEBD (Association of Workers for Children with Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties) which later changed its name to SEBDA (Social, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties Association).

Terry Wilson (November 2007)


