Reunion 2003 (October 25/26)

(picture courtesy of: .. AG = Adrian Gray, AW = Andrew Wilson, BVS = Barend van der Sanden, CH = Chris Harvey, CS = Chris Sheary, DB = David Bragg, DM = David Moth, JC = John Cousens, JS = John Spiers, JW = John Welch, ML = Michael Lacey, NL = Norman Leversuch, PW = Paul Weir, RH = Richard Himson, RW = Ron Walker, SH = Steve Hardy, SW = Stuart Wilshaw, TC = Tony Cook, TCu = Trevor Cusack [formerly Trevor Howard], TW = Terry Wilson). Click on link to see full size picture. * reduced from a much higher resolution scan - if anyone would like the original (much larger) version I can send as an e-mail attachment, please contact:

Chris Harvey & Jack Hazelgrove TCu

Mr & Mrs Tony Cook, Stuart Wilshaw, Ken Fullegar & Terry Wilson SW

Stuart Wilshaw, Tony Cook, Ken Fullegar TC *

Richard Himson, Ian Marsh, Chris Harvey PW

Richard Himson, Ian Marsh, Chris Harvey SH *

Ron Walker, Hedley Williams, Michael Lacey, Tony Hillman, Chris Davies SH *

Stuart Wilshaw SH *

Steve Kittos, Andrew Wilson SH *

Allan Rimmer SH *

Paul Weir SH *

Terry Wilson, Ken Edmonds SH *

Michael Bannister, Chris Sheary SH *

Steve Kittos, Ian Marsh, Michael Bannister SH *

Nigel Van Dyk SH *

Adrian Sewell SH *

Michael Bannister, Alistair Walker, Chris Sheary SH *

Hedley Williams PW

Chris Harvey PW

Ken Fullegar PW

The square yard TCu

Southern elevation TCu

Mike Bannister, Ron Walker, Andrew Cleare, Ian Marsh, Adrian Sewell, David Seagrave, Richard Himson CS

Julian Morgan AW *

Tony Hillman RW

Chris Davies RW

Nigel Roche & Nigel Van Dyk RW

Nigel Van Dyk, Stuart Chessell, Jeremy Latham RW

Steve Kittos & Nigel Van Dyk RW

Viv Rynne & Pauline van der Sanden BVS

Viv Rynne & Pauline van der Sanden BVS

Viv Rynne BVS

Chris Harvey, Barend van der Sanden, Viv Rynne BVS

Viv Rynne, Chris Harvey, Mike Lacey BVS

David Seagrave & Terry Wilson DM

Len Bloom, Chris Davies, Ron Walker, Chris Sheary, Steve Kittos, Tony Cook, Nigel Van Dyk, Eddie Wearing, Richard Himson SW *

Roger Hoare & David Seagrave JW *

Ken Bruce & Adrian Gray DM

Finn Wilcox, Adrian Gray, Julian Morgan, Howard Walker, William Higgins, Eddie Wearing, Graham Maxam, John Southouse, Dave Moth (collage by TW)

Tony Ross, Mike Roberts, Sue MacPherson, Ronald "Darby" Allen, Chris Brougham, Gary Rogers, Belinda Keynes, Simon Morgan, Mark Conway (collage by TW)

David Seagrave, Clive Gee, Spencer Larham, Nigel Roche, Nigel Tegg, Nigel Van Dyk SW *

Michael Lacey & Andrew Cleare ML

Sutton Valence Village Hall SW *

Sutton Valence Village Hall ML

Sutton Valence Village Hall CS

John Welch ML

Richard Himson outside Sutton Valence Village Hall CH *

Jeremy Latham & Stuart Chessell TW *

Ian Marsh, Andrew Wilson, Steve Kittos, Nigel Van Dyk TW *

Gareth Morrison, Andrew Wilson, Paul High, Justin Hemsley TW *

Barend Van Der Sanden & Mark Simons AW *

Denbigh Gabbitas & Ralph Gee TW *

Nigel Van Dyk & Nigel Roche TW *

Terry Wilson, Stuart Wilshaw, Ken Fullegar, Tony Cook TW *

Hedley Williams, Ian Marsh, Adrian Sewell, Nigel Van Dyk, Stuart Chessell, Jeremy Latham, Steve Hardy, Alistair Walker TW *

Ken Fullegar TW *

Adrian Gray DM

Stuart Chessell, Jeremy Latham, Hedley Williams, John Welch, Stuart Wilshaw TW *

Nicky Butler, Phyllis Oliver (Mills), David Bragg, Jim Haycock JS *

John Spiers, Phyllis Oliver (Mills), David Bragg, Jim Haycock JS *

Adrian Sewell, Eddie Wearing, Chris Harvey CS

Allan Rimmer outside Sutton Valence Village Hall DM

S.V. Village Hall - a portion of the RHS memorabilia assembled by Allan Rimmer JW *

Ralph Gee pays his respects to Spot TW *

Michael Bannister, Ian Marsh, Norman Leversuch, Chris Sheary NL *

Ian Marsh, Michael Bannister, Chris Sheary CS

Norman Leversuch, Ian Marsh, Michael Bannister CS

Paul Weir, Clive Anderton, Steve Hardy, Michael Bannister CS

Alistair Walker, Chris Sheary CS

Tony Cook TC *

Tony Cook, Reg Slade, Ralph Gee (S.V. Village Hall) TC *

Leslie Strevens, Ralph Grigglestone (S.V. Village Hall) TC *

Tony Cook, Len Bloom, Jim Haycock, Phil Coutanche, Reg Slade (S.V. Village Hall) JC *

Jon Gabbay NT

Gary Rogers, Michael Bannister, Allan Rimmer CS

Chris Sheary, Phyllis Oliver (Mills), Norman Leversuch CS

Allan Rimmer JW

Allan Rimmer DM

Nigel Tegg, Spencer Larham, Howard Walker DM

Clive Gee, Robert Cester, Spencer Larham DM

Jon Gabbay, Clive Gee, Spencer Larham DM

Dance Room AW *

Library DB *

Main Stairs RW *

Front Drive RW *

View from Lower Field AG *

Storm clouds over Red Hill TW *

Upper Terrace looking East SW *

The Stable (end wall) from inside the garden SW *

View of Red Hill from the lower field (near road) SW *

Dining Room SW *

Square Yard RH *

View of Red Hill from the east RH *
