October 25/26 2003 Reunion
101 ex-pupils and staff gathered at Sutton Valence Village Hall and visited the School in what was probably the last reunion with access to the grounds and buildings. The weekend weather was mild and sunny with beautiful autumn colours in abundance everywhere. One could not have wished for more - though there was a brief downpour on Sunday afternoon that lasted about 10 minutes. Thanks go to Allan Rimmer for booking the Hall and bringing the many items of interest that were on display. Thanks also to Andrew Wilson for purchasing ingredients to make tea and coffee at the Hall. If anyone has pictures that they would like to share please let me know at oldredhillian@gmail.com (please copy). I am in short supply of photos taken at SV Hall as my camera was malfunctioning most of the time during the reunion weekend.........Terry Wilson.
For pictures taken at other reunions click here to view.
List of attendees (total 101):
Allen, Ronald [Staff]
Clive (1965-1967)
Baird, Donard (1951-1955)
Bannister, Michael (1967-1971)
Bloom, Leonard (1937-1946)
Bragg, David (1948-1953)
Brougham, Chris (1953-1959)
Bruce, Ken (1977-1983)
Bunting, James (1987-1992)
Butler, Nicky (1957-1960)
Cester, Robert (1982-1988)
Chapman, Anthony (1949-1956)
Chessell, Stuart
Clark, Roy (1953-1957)
Cleare, Andrew (1951-1958)
Mark (1980-1986)
Cook, Tony (1946-1949)
Cousens, John (1948-1951)
Coutanche, Phillip (1943-1951)
Davies, Chris (1959-1963)
Deegan, Michael
Edmonds, Ken (1965-1970)
Fullegar, Ken (1949-1954)
Jon (1985-1987)
Gabbitas, Denbigh (1951-1955)
Gee, Clive (1980-1984)
Gee, Ralph (1947-1953)
Gray, Adrian (1982-1988)
Green, Eliott [Staff]
Grigglestone, Ralph (1942-1947)
Haiselden, Jason (1980-1983)
Hardy, Stephen
Harvey, Chris [Staff]
Haycock, Jim (1944-1946)
Jack [Staff]
Hemsley, Justin (1983-1988)
Hendley, Nick [Staff]
William (1975-1978)
High, Paul (1984-1988)
Hillman, Tony (1958-1961)
Himson, Richard (1973-1977)
Hoare, Roger (1952-1956)
Hogan, Pam [Staff]
Howard, Trevor (1962-1963) ....now Trevor Cusack
Hughes, Ian (1977-1980)
Joseph, Ian (1987-1989)
Keynes, Andy [Staff]
Kittos, Stephen (1964-1968)
Lacey, Mike (1956-1961)
Lanham, Brett [Staff]
Larham, Spencer (1982-1988)
Laskey, Sue [Staff]
Latham, Jeremy (1960-1965)
Leversuch, Norman (1965-1970)
MacPherson, Sue [Staff]
Marsh, Ian (1969-1975)
Maxam, Graham (1977-1978)
Mills, Lawrence [Staff]
Morgan, Julian (1980-1984)
Morgan, Simon (1981-1987)
Morrison, Gareth (1981-1987)
Moth, David (1983-1987)
O'Brien, Mark
Oliver, Phyllis [Staff]
Ormiston, David (1961-1964)
Ronald (1948-1952)
Restall, Warren (1981-1985)
Rimmer, Allan [Staff]
Rimmer, Sue
Roberts, Mike (1978-1983)
Roche, Nigel (1960-1965)
Gary (1980-1986)
Rogers, John (1947-1951)
Ross, Tony (1981-1983)
Viv [Staff]
Seagrave, David (1955-1960)
Sewell, Adrian (1972-1977)
Sheary, Chris (1967-1974)
Short, Terry (1975-1982)
Simons, Mark [Staff]
Slade, Reginald (1945-1950)
Southouse, John (1949-1953)
Spiers, John
Strevens, Leslie (1947-1953)
Styles, Daphne [Staff]
Belinda [Staff]
Tegg, Nigel (1981-1986)
Van Der Sanden, Barend (1970-1977)
Van Dyk, Nigel (1958-1965)
Walker, Alistair (1964-1970)
Walker, Howard
Walker, Ronald (1960-1966)
Wearing, Anthony 'Eddie' (1974-1981)
Weir, Paul (1963-1969)
Welch, John (1957-1960)
Wilcox, Finn (1986-1992)
Williams, Hedley (1959-1964)
Wilshaw, Stuart (1959-1963)
Andrew (1982-1986)
Wilson, Terry (1960-1964)
Woodland, Ken [Staff]