July 1987 Reunion

For pictures taken at other reunions click here to view.

Picture courtesy of: . CD = Chris Davies, JW = John Welch. If anyone has pictures that they would like to share please let me know - contact: oldredhillian@gmail.com (please copy). Click on link to see full size picture. * Reduced from a much higher resolution scan - if anyone would like the original (much larger) version I can send as an e-mail attachment, please contact: oldredhillian@gmail.com

List of attendees (not complete):

Burkill, Chris (1956-1963)
Davies, Chris (1959-1963)
Dormand, David (1961-1964)
Gayton, Morley [staff]
Hillman, Tony (1958-1961)
Lacey, Mike (1956-1961)
Latham, Jeremy (1960-1965)
Mills, Phyllis [staff]
Nandi, Prabir [staff]
Powell-Davies, Thomas [staff]
Righton, Peter [staff]
Seagrave, David (1955-1960)
Skingsley, John (1957-1962)
Sleep, Douglas [staff]
Snelgrove, Eileen [staff]
Welch, John (1957-1960)
York, Alan (1960-1964)


Phyllis Mills with 22 month old Matthew (son of John Welch) JW

Alan York, Jeremy Latham CD

David Seagrave, David Dormand CD

Alan York, Tony Hillman, John Skingsley CD

Douglas Sleep, Morley Gayton, Thomas Powell-Davies, David Dormand CD

Phyllis Mills, John Skingsley CD

Eileen Snelgrove, David Dormand CD

Peter Righton, David Dormand, Chris Davies CD

Prabir Nandi & John Welch JW

