July 1987 Reunion
For pictures taken at other reunions click here to view.
Picture courtesy of: . CD = Chris Davies, JW = John Welch. If anyone has pictures that they would like to share please let me know - contact: oldredhillian@gmail.com (please copy). Click on link to see full size picture. * Reduced from a much higher resolution scan - if anyone would like the original (much larger) version I can send as an e-mail attachment, please contact: oldredhillian@gmail.com
List of attendees (not complete):
Burkill, Chris (1956-1963)
Davies, Chris (1959-1963)
Dormand, David (1961-1964)
Gayton, Morley [staff]
Hillman, Tony (1958-1961)
Lacey, Mike (1956-1961)
Latham, Jeremy (1960-1965)
Mills, Phyllis [staff]
Nandi, Prabir [staff]
Powell-Davies, Thomas [staff]
Righton, Peter [staff]
Seagrave, David (1955-1960)
Skingsley, John (1957-1962)
Sleep, Douglas [staff]
Snelgrove, Eileen [staff]
Welch, John (1957-1960)
York, Alan (1960-1964)
Mills with 22 month old Matthew (son of John Welch) JW
Seagrave, David Dormand CD
York, Tony Hillman, John Skingsley CD
Sleep, Morley Gayton, Thomas Powell-Davies, David Dormand CD
Mills, John Skingsley CD
Snelgrove, David Dormand CD
Righton, David Dormand, Chris Davies CD