August 1984 Reunion

For pictures taken at other reunions click here to view.

The 50th anniversary of Red Hill. Many ex-pupils and staff attended this special event but I don't have a complete attendance list. I was not aware of this reunion being in Canada at the time.

Picture courtesy of: .DD = David Dormand, GD = Geoff Divers, JW = John Welch, JWy = Joyce Wyles (wife of Robin Wyles), PF = Peter Farrell, PS = Peter Snaith, RS = Reg Slade. If anyone has pictures that they would like to share please let me know - contact: (please copy). Click on link to see full size picture. * Reduced from a much higher resolution scan - if anyone would like the original (much larger) version I can send as an e-mail attachment, please contact:

List of attendees (not complete):

Besant, Pamela (1944-1945)
Brown, Ted [staff] (1935->1974)
Brown, Lucy [staff] (1936->1973)
Burkill, Chris (1956-1963) & wife Paulette
Clark, Dick (1944-1950)
Cleare, Andrew (1951-1958)
Collip, George (1958-1964)
Davies, Chris (1959-1963) & wife Angela
Divers, Geoff (1945-1949)
Dormand, David (1961-1964) & girlfriend Linda Jarvis
Farrell, Peter (son of MOF)
Gayton, Morley [staff] (1946-1975)
Gee, Ralph (1947-1953)
Hardy, Stephen (1963-1971)
Hillman, Tony (1958-1961) & wife Marion
Holland, Keith (1944-1950)
Horner, Ronald (1947-1951) & wife, baby
Ling, Clifford (1943-1947)
Mills, Phyllis [staff] (1948-1987)
Palfreyman, Pamela (1945-1947)
Pollak, Betty [staff] (1946-1953)
Powell-Davies, Thomas [staff] (1946-1960)
Reeves, Brian (1945-1955)
Reeves, Ronald (1948-1952)
Rynne, Viv [staff] (1975-1978)
Schroeder, Angela (1943-1947)
Shaw, Kevin [son of Otto]
Shoesmith, David (1943-1948) & wife Doreen
Slade, Reg (1945-1950)
Smith, Michael (1957-1963)
Snaith, Peter (1943-1947)
Spiers, John (1953-1960)
Wright, Keith (1945-1950) & wife Sheila
Wyles, Robin (1941-1947) & wife Joyce

George Collip, Chris Burkill, Michael Smith & David Dormand DD

David Dormand, Chris Burkill & Tony Hillman DD

Morley Gayton & Viv Rynne RS

Angela Schroeder & Clifford Ling RS

Dick Clark & Kevin Shaw RS

Clifford Ling & Betty Pollak RS

Lucy & Ted Brown RS

Phyllis Mills & Peter Snaith RS

Robin Wyles & Phyllis Mills RS

Robin & Joyce Wyles RS

Sheila & Keith Wright RS

Thomas Powell-Davies & Reg Slade RS

Geoff Divers & Peter Snaith RS

Ronald Reeves & Geoff Divers RS

John Spiers & Andrew Cleare RS

Sheila & Keith Wright, Phyllis Mills, Joyce & Robin Wyles PF *

Robin Wyles & Phyllis Mills PF *

Peter Snaith & Robin Wyles PF *

Keith Holland, Dick Clark, Betty Pollak, Clifford Ling PF *

Reg Slade & Geoff Divers PS

Phyllis Mills, Robin Wyles, Dick Clark JWy

Sheila & Keith Wright, Phyllis Mills, Joyce & Robin Wyles JWy

Peter Snaith, Robin Wyles JWy

Robin Wyles, Phyllis Mills JWy

Keith & Sheila Wright, Reg Slade, Phyllis Mills, Robin Wyles JWy

Peter Snaith, Reg Slade, Betty Pollak, David Shoesmith, Phyllis Mills, Robin Wyles, Clifford Ling, Angela Schroeder, Ronald Reeves, Geoff Divers, Brian Reeves etc JWy

Peter Snaith, Reg Slade, Betty Pollak, David Shoesmith, Phyllis Mills, Robin Wyles, Clifford Ling, Angela Schroeder, Ronald Reeves, Geoff Divers, Brian Reeves etc PS

Peter Snaith, Reg Slade, Betty Pollak, David Shoesmith, Phyllis Mills, Robin Wyles, Clifford Ling, Angela Schroeder, Ronald Reeves, Geoff Divers, Brian Reeves etc GD

Peter Snaith, Dick Clark, Betty Pollak, Reg Slade, Ronald Horner, Ronald Reeves, Keith Holland, Phyllis Mills, Clifford Ling, Geoff Divers, David Shoesmith etc PS

Dick Clark, Betty Pollak, Reg Slade, Ronald Horner, Phyllis Mills, Clifford Ling, Geoff Divers, David Shoesmith, Peter Snaith etc PS

