Bexhill reunion 26th August 2009
18 (including Phyllis Oliver) pupils & staff gathered at the Cooden Beach Hotel in Bexhill, East Sussex on Wednesday 26th August 2009. Organized by Stuart 'Wilf' Wilshaw. Please refer to the "Index" photo for identification. I did not write captions on each photo as this was a one day event. The gathering moved to the public beach adjoining the hotel plus small groups visited Phyllis Oliver who lives nearby. Phyllis was not well enough to attend the reunion itself. A great day enjoyed by all.
Click the thumbs to see full size picture. * reduced from a much higher resolution scan - if anyone would like the original (much larger) version I can send as an e-mail attachment, please contact:
For pictures taken at other reunions click here to view.
(BS = Bernard Smith [photos taken by Ann Smith], CD = Chris Davies, JS = John Spiers, JW = John Welch, ML = Mike Lacey, PS = Pete Still, SW = Stuart Wilshaw)
List of attendees (18 plus Ann Smith = 19):
Baird, Donard (1951-1955)
Roy (1953-1957)
Cleare, Andrew (1951-1958)
Davies, Chris (1959-1963)
Ralph (1947-1953)
Hillman, Tony (1958-1961)
Hoare, Roger (1952-1956)
John (1961-1966)
Lacey, Mike (1956-1961)
Mills, Lawrence [Staff] (1956-1992)
Ken (1954-1960)
Oliver, Phyllis [Staff] (1947-1987) - not pictured
Bernard (1947-1951)
Smith, Ann (Bernard's wife)
Smith, Michael (1958-1962)
now Michael Irving
Spiers, John (1953-1960)
Still, Peter (1961-1966)
John (1957-1960)
Wilshaw, Stuart (1959-1963)
The Cooden Beach Hotel
The Beach