Eric William Edwards (23rd April 1944 - 13th July 2017)


Owen P. Edwards (Eric's son)

Order Of Funeral Service (4 pages) - click on image to the right (PDF reader required) -------->


The audio file below was played at the very end of the service. It is something that epitomizes Dad's excellent but dry wit!

Message from Eric + Goodnight Sweetheart (MP3)



Ken Newman

"Eric the Red" was a title he proudly wore. He was always a socialist on the side of the under-priviledged standing up for what he believed was right. He was a good and loyal friendthroughout our shared time at RHS and afterwards when we were in close contact during the early 60's when we'd left school and started work.

Apart from memories on the RHS football pitch kick-arounds when he "represented" his beloved Newcastle United the two memories that stand out for me were when we sat on the embankment in Selhurst Park to see Crystal Palace get promoted to Division two for the first time (1964) and the other when we attended an Croydon Arts College dance with Charlie Carter - the latter being arrested on the walk home for being drunk. We both thought it hilarious.

We lost contact when I left for Australia but our friendship resumed thanks to the RHS website. I caught up with him a few times when I was near Oxford where he had been a student at the University. He certainly did it in style being under the tutelage of Richard Dawkins (the famous anti religious author). When showing me proudly round his college a few years ago Eric informed me that Mr. Dawkins had asked for his opinion on his latest book and was most interested in his reply. This said something of Eric's intellect.

He was an honest, cheerful industrious man that always followed his beliefs.








Robert Jamieson

I remember Eric the Red pretty well. From Facebook posts he made over the years, it would seem he had his share of tragedy.

